GitHub Actions Upgrade Hosted Agent / GitHub Runner PowerShell I had recently fixed a bug in one of my build scripts by upgrading to the latest PowerShell Preview version. Of course, that version isn't yet available on the hosted agent for Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions.
GitHub Be Secure and Compliant with GitHub How do we ensure security after we have deployed our application? This question comes up in many customer engagements. How do we make something secure and how can we ensure we are compliant? Unfortunately, many of these questions arise after the fact. After the application has been built, or even
git Installing git-filter-repo on windows I've been trying to get git-filter-repo to work on Windows and WSL today and it's been quite a struggle. The docs are pretty limited and call out I may have to update some values in the script itself to make things work. But doesn't
GitHub Customizing Codespaces You’ve probably had this situation at least once on your career: you join a new team and it takes you at least 10 days to finally get the build to succeed on your local machine, the tests to pass, the application to launch without issues, and for the debugger
Scrum Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer - Scaling Scrum with Nexus - Part 2 Scrum itself is a simple framework for effective team collaboration on complex products. While it is lightweight and simple to understand, challenges do arise.
Security Log4J – A 10 step mitigation plan There is already a lot of attention on the #Log4J vulnerability. It is all over the news while we write this blog. Many customers have asked us what to do. In this blog we give some advice on how to deal with the Log4j vulnerability and similar vulnerabilities in the future.
Azure DevOps Featured Azure DevOps 2020 and 2019 (and 2018) patch for log4j vulnerability Azure DevOps can be configured with advanced Code Search. That feature relies on Elastic Search. Depending on the age of your server, JVM version and Elastic Search version this may result in your setup being vulnerable to CVE-2021-44228.
Visual Studio 2022 Adding Visual Studio 2022 to Azure DevOps Server 2020 Visual Studio 2022 is out! But Azure DevOps Server hasn't had a release to support it yet. This means that in Azure Pipelines it won't detect your freshly installed copy of Visual Studio 2022.
git Use Visual Studio 2022 as merge tool in Tower Tower recently released a major upgrade of it's already outstanding Git Client. Microsoft shipped Visual Studio 2022 not too long ago either. This is how you integrate the two.
Azure DevOps "Fixing" massive parallel builds on Azure Pipelines with TFVC Last weekend I helped migrate a client from Team Foundation Server 2017 to Azure DevOps in the cloud. One of the many reasons to migrate was the ability to leverage the hosted pool to do builds and not having to maintain build servers.
Azure Pipelines Renaming an Azure Pipeline task in an existing Azure DevOps extension I have many Azure DevOps Extensions. Some recent, but also tasks dating back to 2015 when the extensibility model for build tasks forst appeared. Over time much has changed in Azure Pipeline Land...
Azure DevOps Accessing Azure DevOps APIs with large volumes of data Most REST APIs exposed by Azure DevOps are limited in the amount of data they will return. You can choose to override the default number by passing a $top=### query string parameter. Azure DevOps will try to honor this request, but I've seen it refuse and return a lower number anyway.
Scrum Listen to the Scrum Master Toolkit Podcast In december 2020 I was interviewed for the Scrum Master Toolkit, we explored many different aspects of the Scrum Master Role, listen to all of the episodes.
Scrum Releasing the Nexus Guide 2020 Listen to the contributors discussing the latest version of the Nexus Guide.
git Can't push to GitHub "Refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow without workflow scope" When any of your commits contain a new or updated GitHub Action, you need to have the `workflow` scope to push these changes. Git Credential Manager for Windows doesn't request this.
Tips 'n Tricks Automatically add referral tag to URLs with Clipboard Fusion Recently Microsoft introduced the Docs & Learn program. You, the MVP and content creator, get a unique identifier to add to any url linking to a number of Microsoft websites, and they automatically track the engagement you generate.
azure-repos Rename your master branch in Azure Repos Renaming your master branch in Azure Repos could be as simple as a few clicks. But if you have complex policies or permissions in place, it may be a little more work. To rename your master branch you have to create a new branch and then delete the old one:
git Rename your master branch to something better I just went through my GitHub repositories to rid them of the master branches. It was a relatively simple process that took me about an hour or 2 for all my repositories. Scott Hanselman explains the base process. It's a simple set of steps to create a new
azure-artifacts Create an Organization level feed in Azure Artifacts A while ago the Azure DevOps team has removed the option to create "Organization level feeds" in Azure Artifacts. This move matches many previous efforts to isolate "projects" in Azure DevOps to make things less confusing and easier to migrate.
Azure Pipelines What to do when your build hangs on the Hosted Pool... When your build freezes and you can't remote into the agent... You're basically blinded...
Tips 'n Tricks Enable your custom background on Microsoft Teams Microsoft just shipped an update for Microsoft Teams. It has the option to insert one of a set of predefined images. And a hidden one to add your own!
TFS Migration Package Feeds consuming most data in Azure DevOps Server The Collection database of a client saw some explosive growth and I was asked to figure out where the storage had gone to.
git Configure Tower to use the new Windows Terminal The new Windows Terminal is almost done and the most recent build fixes the one bug that kept me from using it.
Tools My tools of trade Another two-and-a-half years have flown by and that means I've just received my new laptop. My Dell Precision 5520 has been traded in for a Lenovo X1 Extreme Gen 2 and I've just finished putting most op my must have tools on it.