Tips 'n Tricks Automatically add referral tag to URLs with Clipboard Fusion Recently Microsoft introduced the Docs & Learn program. You, the MVP and content creator, get a unique identifier to add to any url linking to a number of Microsoft websites, and they automatically track the engagement you generate.
Scrum Agile is dead?! Long live Agile Last week I presented at Techorama 2019 in Ede, The Netherlands. A topic near to my heart, a reply to so many of the people saying that Agile is dead. Or Scrum or that SRE is the new DevOps.
Azure DevOps Tasks and Release Gates on RadioTFS In this episode of RadioTFS we spoke about the Global DevOps Bootcamp, Azure Pipelines and more specifically Release Gates and setting up a pipeline for your own Azure DevOps Extensions and some other recent blog posts.
Ghost Featured Show Google+ comments from Blogger in Ghost I've added my old Google+ comments from blogger to the pages that were migrated to Ghost. I haven't found a way to import the those to Disqus, but I did find an easy way to show them on pages other than Blogger.
DevOps Featured Global DevOps Bootcamp 2018 recap Today was the day of the Global DevOps Bootcamp. And it was a blast. Last evening Central European Time the first teams started their learning journey towards DevOps in New Zealand and Australia and the #gdbc [] traveled like a wave across