Solve basic auth proxy issues with Nuget, Visual Studio and Xamarin (hack)

When you're using Visual Studio behind a Basic Authenticaton proxy, you may run into issues restoring Nuget packages. While I've never found a real solution for the issue, and trust me I've tried quite a few workarounds like the ones listed here.

You'll get the following error:

[5:06] Download failed. Please download and put it to the C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Xamarin.Android.Support.Design\ directory.
Reason: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.

I've come to rely on my trusted hacking friend Fiddler and turn on "Automatically Authenticate".

Optionally configure your upstream proxy in Fiddler:

Restart Visual Studio so it picks up Fiddler as the proxy and you're good to go. Just leave Fiddler running in the background and all will be well.

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