FxCopContrib Alpha for Visual Studio 2012

I've just ported, fixed, compiled and released a version of my FxCopContrib library that should work under Visual Studio 2012 and Team Build 2012.

The following rules are included:

And I've also included a 2012 port of the Microsoft Sharepoint Online Code Analysis Framework rules.

To enable these rules, extract the .7z file to your Visual Studio 11.0\Team Tools\Static Analysis\FxCop\Rules directory. You can then create a new Code Analysis Ruleset for your Visual Studio solution to enable these rules.

For those interested in writing their own rules, I've built a small Test Harness for Code Analysis rules based on the latest CTP of Roslyn. This makes it a lot easier to verify the rules actually work as expected. I'll write a separate blog on that later.

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